Quantum Cryptography A New Ray Of Hope To Secured Data


Quantum Cryptography is a type of encryption that makes use of some of quantum physics' inherent qualities to transmit and protect data in a way that cannot be cracked. Encrypting and safeguarding data using a secret key allows only the person who has it to be able to decrypt it, which is the process of cryptography. In contrast to conventional cryptographic systems, quantum cryptography uses physics rather than mathematics as the primary component of its security concept.

Quantum cryptography is a system that cannot be broken into without the transmitter or recipient of the message being aware of it. It is therefore impossible to duplicate or read data encoded in a quantum state without disclosing the act to the sender or recipient. Quantum cryptography needs to be resistant to quantum computer users as well. Data is sent across fibre optic line using individual light particles, or photons, in quantum cryptography. Binary bits are represented by photons. Any system's quantum state cannot be measured due to these characteristics without causing it to change.

 Quantum physics is a key component of the system's security. These safe areas consist   of the following:

·        Particles may be present simultaneously in more than one location or condition;

·        One cannot see a quantum characteristic without affecting or disrupting it;

·        Particles as a whole cannot be replicated.

Given the fact that they possess all the requirements for Quantum Cryptography, photons are utilised in this technology. They function as information carriers in optical fibre cables and their behaviour is well understood. Quantum key distribution (QKD), which offers a safe technique for key exchange, is one of the most well-known instances of quantum cryptography at the moment.

The key exchange problem may be solved in an information-theoretically safe manner using quantum key distribution, which is the most well-known application of Quantum Cryptography. The benefit of quantum cryptography is that it enables the accomplishment of a number of cryptographic tasks that are either known to be impractical using just classical (i.e., non-quantum) communication or are posited to be impractical. Data that is encoded in a quantum state, for instance, cannot be copied. The wave function collapse that results from trying to read the encoded data will change the quantum state (no-cloning theorem). In quantum key distribution (QKD), this might be used to identify eavesdropping. It makes use of the various states of quantum mechanics and its "no change theory," which prevents accidental interruption. 


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